Black Sesame Seeds

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Black Sesame Seeds

Black sesame seeds are small, flat, oily seeds that grow in the fruit pods of the Sesamum indicum plant, which has been cultivated for thousands of years.

Sesame seeds grow in a variety of colors, including shades of black, brown, tan, gray, gold, and white.Black sesame seeds are primarily produced in Asia, although they’re quickly gaining popularity around the world.

This rise in popularity could be due to the belief that black sesame seeds are better for your health, but you may wonder whether this claim is true.

Benefits of Black Sesame Seeds

Anti-ageing properties

The Chinese believe that the nutrients in black sesame seeds can help in postponing or reversing, certain age-related side effects. As per a study done by Harvard University in 2010, black sesame seeds are rich in vitamin B and iron, and most people who have a vitamin B or iron deficiency show symptoms like hair turning gray, hearing loss and memory loss, all of which are the indicators of ageing.

Stabilises your blood pressure

Black sesame seeds are rich in magnesium that helps prevent hypertension. Polyunsaturated fats and the compound sesamin present in sesame oil are known to keep blood pressure levels in check.

Relief for constipation and indigestion

The black sesame seed can help in curing constipation due to the high fiber content and unsaturated fatty acid content. The oil found in the seed can lubricate your intestines, while the fiber in the seed helps in smooth bowel movements. These seeds also help in clearing up worms in your intestinal tract and improve the digestion process.